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What is sensational that happened at the Omandurar Medical College Hospital in Chennai that is making news!

Posted on: 14/Dec/2021 9:30:08 AM
In the year 2015, the Government Omandurar Medical College and Hospital or GOMCH was started in Chennai with 100 seats for MBBS.

The superb piece of information is that GOMCH has been given approval to start post graduate courses with 28 seats. This was mentioned by the health minister Mr. M. Subramaniam.

The health minister was busy yesterday inaugurating various facilities announced in the budget session at this medical college hospital. It is worthy to mention that the minister inaugurated 5 facilities in this GOMCH like Cognition Rehabilitation and Day Care Center, Emergency Care and Rehabilitation Center, Internet De-addiction Center, Post Natal Depression Counseling and a Newborn Hearing Special Screening facility.  

He spoke about how the college got approval for a PG course for the first time now. Later, dean of GOMCH, Dr. R. Jayanthi, spoke about how permission was given for 6 seats each in MD General Medicine, MD in Paediatrics and MS in General Surgery. She added that permission was given for 3 seats each in MD in Anaesthesiology and MS in Orthopaedics plus 4seats in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. From this academic year, the students would be enrolled.

From 1964, the number of PG seats in the government medical colleges has increased to 1992. Approval has been given for 50 additional MBBS seats at Coimbatore Government Medical College. By this, there would be 1500 additional MBBS seats this year in the state of Tamil Nadu.

It is now brought out that till now no Omicron cases have been found out in Tamil Nadu. It must be noted that 25 international travelers from ‘at risk’ and from ‘non-risk’ nations have tested positive for Coronavirus. The samples were sent to Bangalore based InStem lab for genomic sequencing. Information is that 4 delta cases have been identified from the samples and no Omicron variant case.  

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