Heavy traffic congestion has been a huge issue in 3 important roads in Chennai such as GST Road, OMR and ECR. For implementing ITMS or Intelligent Traffic Management System in these 3 roads, the newly formed Tambaram Police Commissionerate has sent a proposal to the TN government.
Mr. M. Ravi, Tambaram police commissioner mentioned that the proposal has been sent for expanding the ITMS that has been implemented in the Greater Chennai police limits now.
He highlighted that these 3 above said rods act as a gateway for the vehicles entering Chennai through south Chennai. It is believed that the implementation of ITMS would result in the smooth traffic flow.
It is worthy to note that the GST Road stretches for 32kms, OMR Road stretches for 13.5km from Kannagi Nagar to Thiruporur and ECR stretches for 19kms inside the jurisdiction of Tambaram police commissionerate. It would take some time to implement ITMS and to manage vehicular traffic on the GST Road between Pallavaram and Maraimalai Nagar, the commissionerate has been taking measures.
To remove unauthorised parking of the vehicles, 12 patrol vehicles out of 15 patrol vehicles have been deployed for 24 hours. The unauthorised parking of vehicles has been mainly due to the shops occupying the road. A meeting was conducted with various shop owners and restaurants also.
In the future, the commissionerate would add 25 more patrol vehicles. Information is that the 3 above said roads would have dedicated patrol vehicles with colour codes like yellow for GST Road, red for OMR and blue colour for ECR.