The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has released the results of the Group-1 Examinations!
Group-1 examinations were conducted by TNPSC in March. The results have been released on the official website today (Wednesday, 29th June).
TNPSC Group-! Examinations were conducted from 4th to 6th March!
TNPSC has informed us that the candidates who have been successful in this Group-1 examination will be called for an interview from 13th July to 15th July!
The successful candidates of the Group-1 Examinations are called for interview in the TNPSC Office, Chennai Metro City. Please note that no SAMS (short-message-services) will be sent to the concerned candidates!
All details will be shared on the official TNPSC website!
Important info will be conveyed through SMS or E-mail to the concerned candidates!