Kumari Palany & Co

For their reproductive system to be healthy, every woman must eat these foods!!

Posted on: 25/Oct/2022 6:12:24 PM
For the reproductive health of a woman to be good, it is highly necessary that she must take enough care about her uterus. Uterus plays a very important part in the birth of a baby is a well known fact.  These days, with lots of stress etc, many women face issues like PCOS, PCOD etc and struggle with infertility issues etc. Unhealthy lifestyle is considered to be the prime reason for infertility. It is essential that a woman must eat healthy balanced foods for her reproductive system to be in good shape.

Foods that must be consumed by every woman for the sake of their reproductive health are

Complex carbohydrates intake:

Minerals like zinc, selenium and other B vitamins etc would improve reproductive health are known. Whole grain foods like brown rice, oats have these nutrients in them and women must consume them compulsorily. Women must avoid refined carbohydrates based foods like white flour, white sugar etc. These could lead to an increase in the blood sugar levels and also to hormonal imbalances etc.

Eggs intake:

The fertility levels in a woman would become better when she consumes eggs rich in proteins. The omega-3 fatty acids in the eggs would improve fertility and choline would lower the birth defects risk in the newborns.

Fatty fish intake:

They have both omega-3 fatty acids as well as omega-6 fatty acids in them. These play a huge role and help in pain reduction in arthritis, lower BP, improves wound healing etc. Intake of fatty fishes would also improve heart health.

Berries intake:

Raspberries and blueberries would help boost fertility as they have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients etc. The presence of folate and vitamin C in berries would help a woman to conceive. These are key nutrients that would help in the development of the foetus.

Yoghurt intake:

Issues associated with IBS and inflammatory digestive tract disorders could be reduced well by yoghurt intake. Stomach ulcers and vaginal infections would also get reduced. The calcium in yoghurt would help in the strengthening of the bones. It is necessary that every woman must consume a cup of yoghurt with fresh fruits or nuts etc. 

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