The Revised Motor vehicle as per the latest by Tamil Nadia State Government is effective from today (Wednesday, 26th October).
The penalty for violating a signal – is Rs. 500/- for the first time!
Penalty for violating signal for the second time: Rs. 1500`-!
As such, the traffic Police are set and act according to the revised Act.
The Motor Vehicles ACT was revised last time by the Central Government in 2019 and now, after a gap of 3 years, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has revised it –with effect from today – Wednesday, 26th October!
Traffic Police have informed us that the revised penalties for violations will be collected from today, 26th October.
As such:
- The penalty for violating a signal - is Rs. 500/- for the first time!
- Penalty for violating signal for the second time: Rs. 1500`-!