Kumari Palany & Co

Lunar Eclipse 2022: Total Lunar Eclipse (Blood Moon) on November 8, 2022

Posted on: 31/Oct/2022 1:17:35 PM
Scientists have informed us that there will be a total lunar eclipse occurring on 8th November from 2.58 PM and ending at 6.19 PM and also THAT THIS TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE CAN BE SEEN WITH NAKED eye!

What is a total lunar eclipse?

Eclipses occur whenever the Sun, the Moon, and Planet Earth come in a straight line! The moon falls entirely under the shadow of the plane Earth! It may be noted that a partial solar eclipse occurred in several parts of the world on 25th October.

One Eclipse Period is approximately 35 days.  However, there would be 2 eclipses during this period! Sometimes, during a single eclipse period, even 3 eclipses may occur!

In this situation, this year`s lunar eclipse is scheduled to occur on 8th November. It is a total lunar eclipse and will be the last eclipse in the year 2022.  And would be the 2nd eclipse in the period October-November.

Moon would be blood red. This occurs during a total lunar eclipse! The entire moon falls under the shadow of the planet Earth. This is known as `UMBRA`! Due to this, the moon will appear red! This lunar eclipse can be seen in the Eastern Part of India including Kolkata!

This eclipse can be seen only as a partial eclipse in other parts of India. As per Indian time, the total lunar eclipse is scheduled to commence at 2.48 PM and conclude at 6.19 PM.

This Lunar Eclipse can be seen in North & South Europe, Asia, North America, most parts of South America, Australia, Antarctica, the Pacific Atlantic, India,  and some parts of the Arctic Ocean!

A partial solar eclipse occurred on 25th October. Further, a total lunar eclipse is set to occur on 8th November which will be the last lunar eclipse in the year 2022. The next total lunar eclipse is on 28th October in 2023!