Kumari Palany & Co

Sudden order from DPH to organise medical camps now after the Cyclone!!

Posted on: 10/Dec/2022 10:26:36 AM
The cyclone Mandous that has been threatening Chennai for the last few days has now made its landfall. In this scenario, the deputy directors of public health services are instructed to conduct medical camps in those places that have been affected by the cyclone.

The Director of Public Health (DPH) and Preventive Medicine Dr. TS. Selvavinagayam on Friday gave instructions that daily reports must be sent through the Integrated Health information Portal or IHIP. He added that Covid19 appropriate behaviour must be followed in all the monsoon related prevention and relief activities.

There must be uninterrupted power supply available at the medical institutions particularly the ICUs, CCUs etc and the district officer must ensure that. The district officers must associate with the EB authorities to ensure uninterrupted supply of power.

It must be noted that the ambulances must be stationed or mobilised to shift and transport the patients under critical care to various other medical institutions if the power supply cannot be restored at all. 

All medical college hospitals, district headquarters hospitals and taluk hospitals including private hospitals must keep enough stocks of  drugs, medicines, blood etc for atleast a week to tackle emergencies. In the health facilities and in the camps, the patients must be monitored continuously for the occurrence of these syndrome conditions like acute febrile illness syndrome, acute diarrhoeal  disease syndrome,Influenza like illness syndrome and jaundice  etc.

For taking the appropriate public health preventive steps, the information must be entered in the IHIP portal to analyse for unusual increase in the conditions.