It has been a decade since the Chennai Sangamam, the Tamil cultural extravaganza made its presence felt in Chennai. The Sensational piece of news is that this Chennai Sangamam is set to return now in a different avatar. It is known to us that this event began in the year 2007 and it showcased dance, music and other rural art forms at various locations in Chennai during the Pongal festival season. Last time, this cultural extravaganza took place was in the year 2011.
Surveying of several parks and public places in Chennai city has been going on now by GCC and state tourism dept . The festival would be named as Namma Ooru Thiruvizha. The Coronavirus pandemic has led to many restrictions and due to that in 2022 the event that took place at the Island Grounds in Chennai was a low key affair.
In 2023, this cultural extravaganza would take plav in a grand manner in many locations in Chennai. It must be noted that on 13th january 2023, CM of Tamil nadu Mr. MK. Stalin would inaugurate this event. The official sources have confirmed that from 14th January onwards the actual event would take place simultaneously in many locations in the city. This event would be there till 17th of January 2023. Now, as manya s 16 parks have been identified in Chennai for holding this sensational event.
The parks are namely Perambur based Murasoli Maran Park, Royapuram based Robinson ground, Anna Nagar based Tower Park, Semmozhi Poonga, Elliot`s Beach, Natesan Park and Thiruvanmiyur Beach Road etc. Yesterday, Chennai Mayor R. Priya and DMK LS member Kanimozhi inspected the parks. The parks and grounds were inspected for setting stages, water supply and toilet facilities etc.