Kumari Palany & Co

Shocking news for housewives! Prospects of tomato rise shooting up again!

Posted on: 15/Nov/2023 11:26:31 AM
Persistent rains have been affecting Tamil Nadu for the past week, leading to a concerning situation. Tomatoes harvested in the southern districts and Tirupur are now at risk of rotting due to the continuous downpour. This predicament raises the possibility of a surge in tomato prices.

The young tomato plants recently sowed are facing challenges as well. They haven`t developed flowers, buds, or leaves yet, and the ongoing rains are hindering their growth. This circumstance further contributes to the growing likelihood of an increase in tomato prices in the upcoming days.

Farmers are taking proactive measures by preparing to replant seeds. However, the new crops will only be ready for harvest around the Tamil calendar month of `Thai,` which falls in mid-January 2024. Consequently, if there is no transportation of tomatoes from other states or cities, there is a looming threat of another spike in tomato prices.