Kumari Palany & Co

Surprising benefits of short afternoon sleep or power nap which we might not be aware of!!

Posted on: 25/Dec/2023 9:58:46 AM
There are many people who take a quick short nap in the afternoons. Mostly, people sleep in the afternoon (also called as power nap) between 1pm and 4pm for about 15m to half hour. Both physical as well as mental health would get improved by this power nap. It is worthy to note that we must keep the power nap for about 30 minutes or else it might affect the night sleep also. Point is that we must try to have this power nap between 1pm and 3pm or in the early afternoon time and this would align with the natural dip in the circadian rhythm.

Taking short quick afternoon sleep in the afternoons would benefit us in these ways.

More alertness:

The cognitive function would get enhanced when we take power naps. We would become more focussed and productive.

Reduced stress:

By taking a power nap our stress would come down well and cortisol levels would get reduced in us. By this, our overall health would become better.

Improved mood:

When we take a short quick sleep in the afternoons, then it improves the mood. This would make us more positive.

Boosted immune system:

Our immune system would have to function very well if we want to be free from health issues, diseases etc. By this power nap, our immune system would get boosted.

Better heart health:

For our lives to be normal, we must have good heart health. It must be taken into account that regular short sleep in the afternoons would lower our blood pressure and this would improve our heart health.

More productivity:

Our productivity would get enhanced when we sleep for a short time in the afternoons. By this, we would be able to manage tasks in an efficient way.

Weight management:

Hunger hormones and food cravings would be under control when we sleep enough. By this, we would not consume an excess amount of food. This would help us to manage body weight well.

Better physical performance;

Muscle relaxation would become better by taking power naps and this would boost physical performance in activities such as sports or exercrcise etc.