Kumari Palany & Co

Unbelievable!! Guess how many visited the book fair at the YMCA Grounds in Chennai?

Posted on: 22/Jan/2024 9:31:24 AM
Even in this digital age, there are many who still visit book fairs with huge enthusiasm!!

This has been proved now at the 47th book fair in YMCA Grounds in Nandanam in Chennai. On Sunday, 21st January 2024, the 47th Chennai book fair organised by BAPASI or Book Sellers and Publishers Association of South India at the YMCA Grounds came to a close. It is learnt that around 900 book stalls were set up and books were sold for atleast 10% discount according to BAPASI rule.

The sensational piece of information is that the book fair witnessed more than 15lakhs people and there were many students who went to the book fair. Point is that books worth Rs 18 cr were sold at the book fair. It must be recalled that in 2023 books worth Rs 10 cr were sold and now there is an increase in the sales for Rs 8cr.

The BAPASI secretary, Mr. S.K. Murugan mentioned that in the book fair in 2024 more than one lakh students alone came to the fair. On the Pongal day and on the next day, the sales of books touched maximum and maximum visitors visited the book fair on the same day. It must be noted that on Pongal day the book fair saw a footfall of 40000.

This time around, the children`s books had the highest sales and this was considered as a huge achievement in the digital age. Publishers from other languages would be welcomed in the following years and this was as per the secretary of BAPASI. The sale of books in other languages would be good in Chennai as it is a city of multi culture.