Kumari Palany & Co

Tamil Nadu State in the First Place in registering for Patents for Start-up!

Posted on: 23/Feb/2024 5:12:18 PM
The State of Tamil Nadu is the No. #1 State in India in the application and registration for Patents for the New Start-up Ventures to the India Patent Registration Centre.

There were 2300 Start-ups in Tamil Nadu in the year 2021.  Now, in February 2024, the number of Start-up industries is 7600!!

Accordingly, the rush for registering for patents at the India Patent Service Centre has also increased considerably.

In the year 2022-23, there were 82811 applications received throughout India for registering for Patents.

In this list of registrations for patents, the State of Tamil Nadu stands at No. #1!

Maharashtra State is at the second place with 5626 patent registrations.

Uttar Pradesh with 5564, Karnataka with 540-8 and Punjab with 3400 Patent registrations are in the 3rd, the 4th, and the 5th place respectively.

An official from the India Patent Registration Service Centre shared regarding this:

"Each application for patent will be subjected to several stage of check-ups only after which the patent will be given.

As such, it may take up to a year to get the patent.

As such, the registration of obtaining a patent by itself is a signal of the awareness regarding patents.

We receive more applications from the State of Tamil Nadu as compared to other States in India.

These are being scrutinized thoroughly and after several stages of tests, a patent is given. Applications for patents come in large numbers from the fields of medicine, agriculture, and beauty cosmetics. Applications for Patents are received in large number for manufacturing of products in various fields."