Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Ensures Ample Drinking Water Supply Amidst Rising Consumption

Posted on: 02/Apr/2024 11:10:10 AM

In a commendable effort, Chennai ensures abundant drinking water supply despite surging consumption levels. The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) now distributes a record-breaking 1,075 MLD of drinking water daily, employing both pipelines and tanker lorries.

To meet heightened demand, the number of tanker lorry-trips has surged to 1,050 from 900 this summer. With reservoirs adequately stocked, the supply is forecasted to suffice till October. CMWSSB remains steadfast in providing uninterrupted water to residential areas amidst escalating consumption.

Since August 2021, the Metro Water board has steadily increased supply from 1,000 MLD, ensuring the city`s water needs are met. The online booking system, "Dial for Water," witnesses a substantial surge, with 100 additional trips daily, ensuring fair distribution among residents.

Despite challenges like the Veeranam reservoir`s depletion due to scant southwest monsoon rainfall last year, CMWSSB maintains uninterrupted supply via alternative sources like Chembarambakkam reservoir, quarries, and the Nemmeli desalination plant.

The rise in drinking water distribution owes partly to expanded pipeline connections. Completion of underground pipeline works promises further distribution hikes based on public demand.

Overall, CMWSSB`s proactive measures, efficient resource management, and infrastructure enhancements guarantee Chennai`s readiness to meet water needs, even during heightened demand periods.