Kumari Palany & Co

Happy news for the Chennaites about the beginning of suburban trains to Kilambakkam bus terminus!!

Posted on: 03/Apr/2024 9:12:04 AM

People residing especially in the northern and western parts of Chennai have now got a reason to feel happy!!

The news that has now come out is that by the end of the year 2024 the commuters from these above-mentioned places would be able to access the Kilambakkam bus terminus through suburban trains. It is well known that after the opening of the new bus terminus at Kilambakkam in south Chennai many residents have been finding it difficult to access the bus terminus due to the absence of proper connectivity. Now, the laying of platforms and drainage lines have been started by the Southern Railways.

As per the divisional railway manager of Chennai Division of SR, Mr. B. Viswanath Eerya works has been started and 10percent has been completed till now. He added that work on one island platform would be finished where trains halt on either side plus drainage works.

Later on, station shelter plus others like passenger amenity, ticket counter etc would be constructed. Point is that a twelve coach suburban train could be accommodated in the halt station.

According to an official belonging to CMDA, a few weeks back work on the 220ft long skywalk was launched. He hinted that the work would get over by 2024 or by January 2025. He concluded that because of the skywalk the people won`t have the need to cross the road when they get down at the station.

It was mentioned by a regular train user that the commuters want more trains to the Kilambakkam railway station. He threw light on how the frequency between Tambaram and Chengalpet was poor. Some officials belonging to SR have pointed out that in the evenings every day 13 trains are operated between Tambaram and Chengalpet and six more trains have been added. It is learnt that now the frequency between 2 trains is 15minutes only.