Kumari Palany & Co

Sensational!! Hand transplant surgery carried out successfully in Chennai!!

Posted on: 24/May/2024 9:14:49 AM

It is not easy to live without hands!!

Truth is that persons without hands would feel highly depressed and unhappy as they would not be able to do daily activities on their own. In Chennai, 2 youngsters named Karthik and Buvan have now got back their lost lives (Hands). Thanks to the superb work by the doctors at Gleneagles Hospital.

After a firecracker burst that injured 31 year old Karthik`s hands, doctors had amputated his hands from his wrists. As a result, he was unable to drink coffee, wave his hand to his friend or sign a cheque etc. He was finding it very tough. Karthik went to Gleneagles Hospital and the doctors placed him in the wait list for hand transplant surgery. On 21st of April he was informed that the hands of a 55 yr old donor (brain dead) would be transplanted to him.  His hands were restored after a 16 hour long operation at this hospital.

Another patient named Buvan aged 22 lost his right hand as his hand was crushed by a machine in a factory. He was informed that a hand from a 22 year old donor (brain dead) would be transplanted to him.  His hand transplant surgery took place for 14 long hours and it was successful.

According to Dr. Selva Seetha Raman, HOD and senior consultant at Gleneagles Hospital, overall both the surgeries were successful. He revealed that the first patient Karthik was discharged and the second one Buvan would be discharged in a week.