On Friday, 24th of May, TN state government revealed that 2 lakh people have applied for the new ration cards. This has caught the attention now.
It was brought to light by the Food and Consumer Protection dept that around 2.40 lakh people in TN have applied for new ration cards till now. It must be noted that after the implementation of welfare schemes like Kalaignar Mahalir Urimai Thogai these people in TN have applied for new ration cards.
The officials have explained that as the issuance of new ration cards stopped from last July, the applications of around 2.4lakh people would be considered. After 4th of June, the process of issuing new ration cards would begin in TN. In Tamil Nadu, as of now, a total of 22419359 ration cards are active.
Not only the ration card holders get essential commodities at subsidised rates at the fair price ration shops across TN, but they also get several benefits from the state government. From the year 2017 onwards, the ration cards have become smart cards is known.
It is on the basis of ration cards and an amount of Rs 1000 per month is being issued to women heads to the families under KMUT scheme.