Kumari Palany & Co

End of Fishing Ban Season Expected to Drive Down Fish Prices!

Posted on: 10/Jun/2024 11:47:00 AM

The annual 61-day fishing ban along the eastern coastal areas of Tamil Nadu, spanning from April 15 to June 14, is currently in effect to safeguard the fish breeding season. This year`s ban commenced on April 15, resulting in the suspension of fishing activities for powerboats and trawlers. As a consequence, 551 barges have remained docked at various shores, including Thoothukudi, Tharuvaikulam, Vembar, and Threspuram. During this ban period, fishermen have been occupied with boat repairs, net maintenance, and procuring new nets. The refurbishment of barges has incurred significant expenses.

With only 8 days remaining until the ban`s conclusion, fishermen are conducting sea trials to prepare for the resumption of fishing operations. Tuticorin port, which has been inactive during the ban, is slated to resume activities next week. It is anticipated that the current upward trend in fish prices will alleviate once fishing activities resume.