Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Beach to Chindathiripet Train Service Set to Resume Next Month, Railway Officials Confirm!

Posted on: 09/Aug/2024 1:35:24 PM
Railway officials have announced that the electric train service between Chennai Beach and Chindathiripet will resume within a month. The service was halted in August last year due to the ongoing construction of the 4th railway line between Chennai Beach and Egmore, a project costing ₹279 crore. The suspension of this service has caused significant inconvenience to passengers.
The construction of the 4th railway line is reportedly progressing rapidly. Railway authorities have successfully acquired the required 110 meters of land from the Indian Navy, a crucial step in the project. The track construction is expected to be completed soon.
Southern Railway has confirmed that, once the construction is finished, train services between Chennai Beach and Chindathiripet will be operational again, much to the relief of daily commuters.