Kumari Palany & Co

How to keep the fungal infections away especially during monsoons?

Posted on: 27/Aug/2024 9:20:53 AM

It is a known fact that when the environment is warm and moist then the fungal infections can thrive well. In order to avoid getting fungal infections, we must maintain good hygiene. The fungal infections can affect any part of our body like skin, nails and scalp etc. The fungal infections could spread easily especially during the monsoon period. Though not life threatening, these fungal infections can be highly uncomfortable for us.

There are several ways by which we can avoid getting these fungal infections in the monsoons. These are

By keeping skin dry & clean:

Fungal infections in the monsoon could be prevented by means of good hygiene. After sweating, it is necessary to wash the skin with mild soap and water. The skin must be dried well especially those areas that are prone to moisture accumulation like armpits, groins etc. Truth is that the presence of moisture would make the fungal infections thrive.

By wearing breathable clothes:

Loose fitting breathable clothing made from natural fibres like cotton would allow the skin to breathe and lower moisture build-up risk. It is necessary to wear shoes etc that would allow the circulation of air. Avoid wearing the same pair of socks every day.

By practising good nail hygiene:

Our toe nails would get affected by fungal infections. Hence, it is essential to cut the nails and keep them clean. Cutting the cuticles must be avoided as this might allow the entry of fungi.

By avoiding barefoot walking in public areas:

It must be taken into account that public places like swimming pools and locker rooms etc are breeding grounds for fungus. To avoid direct contact with these places, it is important to wear shower shoes or flip flops.

By not sharing personal items:

When we share our personal things with others, there are more chances of getting fungal infections. Therefore, we must avoid sharing towels, shoes etc.

By boosting immune system:

It is important to eat a diet having vitamins and minerals etc, doing exercises regularly, sleeping soundly etc for the sake of a strong immune system. By this, we would be able to avoid fungal infections etc.