Kumari Palany & Co

Know about this Japan based holistic and natural stress healing process!!

Posted on: 12/Sep/2024 7:11:41 PM

Can anyone honestly say that they don`t have stress in their lives?

It is true that we all have stress in our lives in different forms. Our mental as well as our physical health would get affected by various kinds of stress like work pressure, financial issues, health issues, marriage issues etc. There are several ways by which we overcome stress that is by doing yoga, by doing meditation, by doing breathing exercises etc.

There is one superb holistic and natural healing technique that originated in Japan and this is Reiki. This technique has the potential to provide relaxation to us. We could achieve balance as well as wellness by means of Reiki.

What is Reiki?
It must be noted that the word `Reiki` can be split up into 2 words `Rei` meaning Universal and `Ki` meaning energy.

Point is that Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in the early 20th century in Japan. In this natural healing process, the Reiki practitioners would use the palm or hands on healing process to transfer Universal energy from their palms to the people. According to Reiki, every living being has got a flow of energy in them and disruptions in this energy could result in emotional or physical imbalances in them. Through Reiki, this balance would get restored by channeling energy from Reiki practitioner hands to the body of the recipients.

To encourage the flow of energy, the Reiki practitioner would keep their hands on or just above the body in certain positions. This energy based healing process would normally take place in 45 minutes to one hour.

Various health benefits of Reiki are

Improved mental clarity and balance:
It is worthy to mention here that Reiki is not just about physical healing but also about emotional well being. The energy that is blocked would be cleared and there would be free flow of life force. By this, the person would have improved mental clarity and balance.

Helps to manage pain:
Living life with pain is very tough. It has been brought to light that people who faced chronic pain had lowered pain intensity after Reiki. Those patients with arthritis conditions, fibromyalgia etc would feel relieved from pain as Reiki can serve as complementary therapy.

Improves sleep quality:
It is known that stress and anxiety could result in insomnia in us. Reiki would promote relaxation in us and by this sleep quality would get enhanced. Sound sleep is very essential for our mental and physical wellbeing.

Boosts immune system:
Stress could weaken our immune system is a known fact. By Reiki, our immune system would get boosted as it would reduce stress. Truth is that Reiki could stimulate the body`s natural healing process. Stress hormones like cortisol etc would get lowered by the Reiki process.

Support during medical treatments:
It must be noted that Reiki is used as a complementary therapy along with traditional medical treatments. It has been revealed by patients who underwrwent chemotherapy, radiation etc that they were able to manage the side effects like nausea, fatigue etc well with the help of Reiki.