Kumari Palany & Co

Fantastic!! A New research centre for diabetes inaugurated at IITM!!

Posted on: 21/Sep/2024 9:06:52 AM

Here comes a surprising association between diabetes research and IIT-M!!

Many these days are affected by diabetes and these persons have high blood sugar levels in them. Truth is that this metabolic disease would affect our vital organs like heart, kidneys etc when left untreated.

Indian institute of Technology, Madras or IIT-M has been a premier educational institute in India for decades is a well known fact. Now, in this IITM, a new research centre has been inaugurated to facilitate advanced research in the field of diabetes and to develop technologies to address challenges in diabetes care and its complications etc.

It is noteworthy that Shankar Centre for Excellence for Diabetic research was inaugurated at Medical Sciences & Technology dept at IIT-M. Important personalities who made their presence felt were Director of IITM Mr. V. Kamakoti, Mr. Chris Hodges, Consul General, USA etc. The funding for this project was done by Mr. Subramaniam Shankar who is an IIT-M distinguished alumni.

Point to be noted is that the research centre has been built to examine how technology can intervene to prevent an illness or diagnose or treat the illness rapidly. This was mentioned by IIT-M director Mr. V. Kamakoti. He added that the outcome of this joint activity at the research centre would be great for the society. Mr. Chris Hodges spoke about how he wanted more USA students to take up research in IIT-M. This would not only be an opportunity for research but for learning from each other also.

Information is that the centre would support 15 PhD students in the future as Shankar Fellows and these students would be able to do research activities. In addition, this new research centre at IITM would play a role in fostering development, potential start-ups, commercialization efforts aimed at transforming diabetes management and treatment.