Kumari Palany & Co

Know about these serious diseases that can be caused due to vitamin B12 deficiency!!

Posted on: 26/Sep/2024 6:21:37 PM

A water soluble vitamin that plays a role in the metabolism is vitamin B12. It is also known as Cobalamin and is one of the 8 B vitamins. For our body to be hale and healthy, vitamin B12 is necessary for us. It is noteworthy that vitamin B12 keeps the blood and nerve cells healthy and it also helps in the making of DNA or deoxy ribo nucleic acid.

There are certain diseases we could get due to the deficiency of vitamin B12.

When a person has vitamin B12 deficiency, then he or she would have less number of red blood cells or RBC`s. This would lead to a serious issue called anaemia in them due to reduction in their haemoglobin. These persons are advised to take a diet rich in vitamin B12.

It is common to get the issue of poor memory in old age. This poor memory could even happen in the youngsters if they have vitamin B12 deficiency. In the persons with dementia, there would be loss of cognitive functions.

There are few signs associated with vitamin B12 deficiency such as muscle weakness, numbness, pins and needles like issue and incontinence etc

Joint and bone pain:
It must be noted that persons with lack of vitamin B12 would have joint and bone pain in them. As the function of the entire body gets affected the person would also have back pain and waist pain etc related to bones.

Damage to nervous system:
Vitamin B12 deficiency would lead to nervous system damage also and this is a serious issue. Blood supply to all parts of the body would get affected. The nervous system would be affected in these persons throughout their lives also.

Stomach based issues:
Having vitamin B12 deficiency could lead to chronic stomach issues also. The persons with vitamin B12 deficiency would have digestion problems in them. Truth is that constipation issues would also be present in these persons.

Pregnancy issues:
Women with vitamin B12 deficiency would have issues in getting pregnant or conceiving. The risk of miscarriage would be more in pregnant mothers due to this vitamin B12 deficiency. Not only these, the child will suffer from lack of growth also.

Skin infections etc:
The bitter fact is that those who have vitamin B12 deficiency would get skin infections easily. As a result wounds would take more time to heal. There are also chances of nail based issues in those who have deficiency of vitamin B12.

Cure for vitamin B12 deficiency:
One most important way of treating vitamin B12 deficiency is by injections. Those who have this deficiency must consume vitamin B12 rich foods like milk, cheese, yoghurt and other foods like salmon, tuna etc.