The Chennai City Police began issuing tenant information forms to house owners from Sunday. This is being done to create a database of tenants in Chennai. Completed forms with tenant details, including a passport-sized photograph, should be submitted by owners at police stations within 60 days. The tenant information form, available in Tamil and English, can be downloaded from the online applications section of the Tamil Nadu police website www.tnpolice.
The house owners can submit the completed forms in person or even send them through post or courier. The information collected will remain confidential, under the supervision of the deputy commissioner of the police district concerned.
House owners who rent property to tenants after the specified 60-day period can submit the forms 15 days after the rental agreement is processed. House owners who fail to submit the forms will face legal action under Section 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) of IPC, sources said.