Recently at Maduvankarai, Sriperambudur near Chennai, a luxury Retirement Home for senior citizens at affordable cost, was launched. There are eight single rooms with assisted care and 32 single and double (Standard and Deluxe) rooms. All rooms are fully furnished. Kshetropasna is a peaceful ashram in Sriperumpudur (about an hour from Chennai, and five minutes from the Chennai - Bangalore Highway). It is only about a 45-minute drive from major medical facilities like Sri Ramachandra, Miot and Vijaya Hospital and also the Madras Medical Mission.
The Ananda Nilayam has 24/7 security, round the clock attendance by trained Care Givers and Nurse for patients in Assistant Care Ward in the Ground Floor, arrangements for broadband connectivity, facility to talk with near and dear ones through Skype. The other services include.
- Visit by Doctor on regular basis.
- Housekeeping and catering services,
- Travel arrangements,
- Ambulance for Emergencies,
- Recreation facilities,
- Religious; tours, talks on religion and spiritualism,
- Celebration of various Hindu festivals,
- Regular medical check ups,
- Supply of home needs,
- Payment of taxes, preparation of Tax Returns,
- Banking facility.