Dry hair leads to frizziness and split ends. Here are a few tips to avoid dryness.
Posted On :07/Jun/2013 3:12:27 PM
Any tips that are given for skin or hair care work only when done regularly and consistently.
Posted On :05/Jun/2013 7:12:03 PM
The following foods that are readily available in your larder are very good for the face.
Posted On :05/Jun/2013 6:30:49 PM
As the summer heat increases, it is even more important to take care of your hair to protect it from the scorching heat. Here are a few suggestions:
Posted On :04/Jun/2013 3:00:23 PM
The most common advise given to those who suffer from hypertension is ‘reduce your sodium intake’,Here are the details
Posted On :04/Jun/2013 2:53:15 PM