Kumari Palany & Co

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Why these artificial sweeteners are not good for our health?

Artificial sweeteners are substitutes for sugar and these give sweet taste for us. It is known that there are few substitutes that are produced by nature. There are also some that are not produced by the nature.

Posted On :25/Apr/2018 9:49:57 AM

Foods that are beneficial to diabetics

According to WHO, diabetes caused 1.5 million deaths in 2012 and the complications of the disease can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure and lower limb amputation.

Posted On :25/Apr/2018 9:20:24 AM

Foods to include in your diet this summer

Nothing can deny the long-term effects and benefits that natural remedies can have on your skin if you adopt them in your summer skincare routine. These remedies are not only easy to gather and apply.

Posted On :25/Apr/2018 8:45:36 AM

These are the health issues that occur in males and every male must know those issues

It is often said that men do not take care of themselves much like women and they face more health issues than women. There are various reasons like the types of work men do plus due to their biology etc.

Posted On :24/Apr/2018 1:10:28 PM

Snake Diet, a Fasting solution to lose weight and get healthy

The outburst of health issues all around the world is the result of poor diet model originated in the western nations that spread eventually across the world. Poor experimentation and research lead to some worst conclusions about fat and carbohydrate intake among humans.

Posted On :24/Apr/2018 12:37:39 PM

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