Kumari Palany & Co

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Men Skincare for Healthy Skin Protection and Damage Control

Too much of heat will easily affect the skin layers and can cause rashness and clog formation on your tiny skin pores. These kind of minor skin issues caused by heat can easily triggered during the summer season.

Posted On :03/Apr/2018 5:20:42 PM

Health benefits of Watermelon and its Nutrients

Watermelons are the summer coolants that has enough water composition to lower thirst and increase the refreshment on bright sunny days. It has a special anti-oxidant called Lycopene which can enhance the heart health.

Posted On :03/Apr/2018 2:44:53 PM

Tips to prevent hair fall this summer

Hair loss in summer is quite common, so do not fret or be taken aback when your brush pulls out a few extra strands. This hair loss can be easily controlled.

Posted On :03/Apr/2018 10:38:07 AM

These healthy drinks consumed for diabetes are superb

Everybody in this world wants to be hale and healthy. Sometimes health issues occur in us and we find our lives tough. Diabetes is one such health issue that is affecting many these days.

Posted On :03/Apr/2018 10:10:50 AM

It’s time for summer skin care. Know it all here

So, the summer for this year has begun! It’s time for kids to indulge in outdoor activities and enjoy family outings. Summer naturally invites the need for keeping your children’s skin protected from uninvited disasters.

Posted On :02/Apr/2018 6:30:01 PM

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