Kumari Palany & Co

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Benefits of guava

Here are some benefits of guava.

Posted On :09/Jul/2013 11:53:22 AM

Healthy diet – dos and don’ts

Here are a few dos and don’ts when it comes to a healthy diet.

Posted On :09/Jul/2013 11:30:09 AM

Turmeric for your skin

Turmeric, known as haldi in Hindi and manjal in Tamil, is a natural antiseptic and has many therapeutic effects. Here are some ways this wonder herb helps your skin.

Posted On :09/Jul/2013 11:12:19 AM

Myths about hair fall

There are a lot of old wives’ tales about why you lose your hair. Here are a few myths about hair loss.

Posted On :08/Jul/2013 2:12:25 PM

Stress shows on your skin

Here are a few ways to detect symptoms and suggestions to tackle them.

Posted On :08/Jul/2013 11:45:37 AM

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