Kumari Palany & Co

Tips to help you cope with stress

Posted on: 12/Jul/2016 11:32:03 AM
Stress is a silent killer. It claims many lives every year. Stress can manifest as cardiac issues, mental instabilities, or projections of unhappiness into one`s relationships. Here, you will find tips to combat stress. 

Many of us crave a holiday. A relaxing vacation, away from life’s daily stresses, sounds so very welcoming. However, it is not possible to just take off. Instead, take a mental vacation. Ignore the constant connectivity to social media, your Blackberry, or endless computing work at a work station. You could do this in your own home. 

Try to meditate and use visualisation. Says a well known guru, Meditation has many connotations and some of them may trigger different reactions from all of us. When I was younger, I thought it was the most boring thing anyone could indulge in and I conjured up an image of bearded yogis up in the Himalayas who starved and smelled. Today however, thanks to the holistic awareness, movements towards personal development and the amalgamation of Eastern and Western thoughts becoming more and more popular, meditation has taken on a more marketable name. I meditate and in my personal experience, I call it plugging-in.  

Visualisation to me is constant, I think with images in my mind. If I asked you now, whatever you do, do not think of a blue ball, what happens? Exactly, you conjure up an image of a blue ball and I might even guess that it showed in the top right hand corner of your internal screen. The premise is that you can`t visualise nothing, and what you visualise, you are giving power to, so if you see pictures of what you don`t want, guess what? You will end up attracting what you don`t want. We cannot bring into our world what we have not been able to at least imagine first.

There are many foods that will help destress. These suggestions work especially for kids who are going through stressful exams. Oranges help boost Vitamin C levels that go down with pressure or stress. 

Spinach contains iron, calcium and Vitamin A. Children’s immunity is built with iron. It also helps in developing social and cognitive development during childhood as it aids in the formation of haemoglobin and essential enzymes. Calcium, on the other hand, helps in the formation of strong bones and vitamin A is beneficial in reducing eye strain to a great extent.

Many of us, adults and children, forget to drink enough water through the day. Water helps in digestion. Adequate intake of water helps avoid conditions related to stressed kidneys and constipation. It helps regulate and maintain body temperature. 

So how do you control stress in daily life? For one, regular exercise is a must. One must have 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity in a day, every day. This decreases the stress hormones like cortisol in the body. It also increases endorphins, which are the body’s feel good hormones. 

Practise basic relaxation techniques. This involves deep breathing techniques, meditation and practicing different yoga postures to relax your body muscles.

Eat a balanced diet. Your food should comprise of fresh fruits and vegetables.

You must get 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Use relaxation techniques like listening to music or reading a book i if you find it difficult to fall asleep.