Kumari Palany & Co

Surprising benefits of doing salt water gargling which you might not have known?

Posted on: 31/Oct/2022 9:53:00 PM
We all would have been told by our grandmothers, mothers etc to do salt water gargling ever since our childhood days. How many really know the benefits of salt water gargling?

It is true that by adding a pinch of salt to the warm water and keeping this combination in our mouth and gargling for some time we could get several health benefits. It is noteworthy that  salt water gargling is an age-old scientifically proven oral health therapy. We can kill bacteria, ease pain and loosen mucus etc by doing salt water gargling. We could get rid of inflammations etc by this process.

Several health benefits which we could get by doing salt water gargling are

Clearing nasal congestion:
Sometimes, mucus gets built up in our respiratory tract and in our nasal cavity leading to few issues. By doing salt water gargling we could reduce the inflammation and throat pain. The nasal congestion would go away.

Removes bacteria:
By doing salt water gargling for a few minutes , it would become harder for the bacteria to develop spores that thrive and multiply. The salt water gargling process would help to neutralise acid (produced by the bacteria) in the throat. By maintaining a healthy pH the growth of unwanted bacteria would be prevented.

Eliminates bad breath:
Gargling with salt water would be a superb solution to the bad breath issue that many of us have these days. Issues like bad breath to gingivitis in us could be due to the oral bacteria and this process would fight the oral bacteria effectively. Sometimes, food particles might get struck between our teeth and it could lead to gum irritations etc when left there. It is true that salt water would rinse these food particles.

Good relief from tonsillitis:
Bacteria as well as viral infection could cause inflammation of tonsils and this is called tonsillitis issue. This issue could lead to severe pain when swallowing foods etc. The superb piece of information is that salt water gargling could reduce the pain and ease the symptoms well.

Treats dry cough:
Both dry cough as well as cough with phlegm could be treated by gargling with salt water. It must be taken into note that this combination of salt and water warm works as antitussive and this would stop coughing.

Heals canker sores:
We could get canker sores or inside our mouths and this would make us uncomfortable whenever we eat food. These ulcers could be irritating and painful. Various reasons for developing canker sores in the mouths are biting the inside portion of cheek or hormonal changes d during periods etc. By doing salt water gargling, the pain would get lowered and it would make the healing and recovery fast.