Kumari Palany & Co

Experts Advocate for Comprehensive Asthma Management This Asthma Awareness Month

Posted on: 16/May/2024 7:25:18 PM

With India leading in asthma prevalence and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), and accounting for 42% of global asthma-related deaths, the importance of effective asthma management is critical. This year`s World Asthma Day theme, "Asthma Education Empowers," highlights the essential role of knowledge in improving patient outcomes.

Effective asthma management involves a comprehensive ecosystem of care, from awareness and diagnostics to treatment adherence and patient support. Public awareness campaigns, such as Cipla’s Berok Zindagi and Tuffies, alongside patient support initiatives like Breathefree, are crucial in creating a supportive network. The Breathefree program integrates physical and digital components, including an AI-enabled device training platform, to assist patients and their families.

Dr. Soumitra Sinha Roy, Interventional Pulmonologist, emphasizes that while asthma is incurable, it can be controlled with timely diagnosis and medical intervention. He notes that misconceptions, particularly regarding inhalation therapy, often lead to poor adherence to treatment. Only 23% of Indian patients refer to their condition as asthma, highlighting the need for increased awareness.

Dr. R. Sridharan, Consultant Allergist and Asthma Specialist, stresses the importance of education for early intervention and treatment adherence. He points out that inhalation therapy is vital for optimal symptom control and quality of life, yet misconceptions lead to low usage rates. Less than 9% of diagnosed patients use inhalers, underscoring the need for improved healthcare access and device training.

Cipla’s initiatives, including Berok Zindagi and the Tuffies campaign, aim to dispel misconceptions and reduce stigma associated with asthma treatment. The Breathefree initiative provides comprehensive support through screening, counselling, and AI-enabled device training, offering a one-stop solution for asthma patients.

By prioritizing awareness and building a robust support ecosystem, Cipla is committed to empowering patients and improving asthma management across India.