Ask anyone and they will give you the obvious reasons to quit smoking. Here are some other things that smokers have to benefit from quitting now.
About a week after you quit, you will notice that you don’t have to clear your throat every few minutes. This chronic cough, also called smoker’s cough, will disappear.
You will also smell better. Yes, smokers smell. Not only that, they make things around them smell. Even your pet will smell of smoke if you drag your cancer stick around them.
Ash from cigarettes are light and often unseen to the naked eye. If you smoke in your home, chances are very high that you will find ash around the house - even far away from your smoking corner (if you have one!). This affects non smokers as well.
Use saving money as one of the reasons to quit. Once you stop, you will notice your liquidity rise manifold. A study in the US showed that a smoker who smoked a pack a day could save upto $2000 a year by not buying cigarettes. Use the money for something thats actually useful.
Your taste buds are highly damaged by the smoke and chemicals that go into your body. Once you quit, you will notice that food tastes better. There have been cases of ex smokers cutting down on salt as their tongues are more sensitive to taste.
Your skin and hair will improve drastically once you quit smoking. Your skin will retain moisture better and the dryness will disappear. Chances of hair turning white will also decrease.
Lastly, you will be an inspiration to others. Smoking is extremely addictive and quitting shows strength of character. Improve the quality of your life today. Quit smoking now.