Kumari Palany & Co

What to eat when you are pregnant?

Posted on: 27/Dec/2016 4:46:08 PM
Most Indian pregnant women stay at home and stuff their faces with ghee laden foods. Many women are, however, breaking the tradition and carrying on with life as usual, and still watching what they eat.
Having said that, there is so much information on what to and what not to eat.  These philosophies on pregnancy foods include, not eating raw meats, eating less fish and sticking to a lot of vegetables. The question mark on fruits has sustained over a period of time, with enzyme producing fruits like papaya and pineapple being under constant scrutiny. Dry fruits are also a part of this category with many health practitioners arguing whether these should be included in an expecting mother’s diet plan. Moulded and soft cheeses, however, are a big no the world over.
So what should a pregnant woman eat? According to a leading clinical nutritionist, Pregnant women should look out for food sensitivity. Avoid having micro waved food or ready-to-eats. No scientific data proves any harm from pineapple or papaya to a pregnant woman. Fresh food needs to be consumed by expecting mothers. Soaked nuts are easier for digestion.
A leading nutritionist and author says, Sticking to your local produce and doing the same activities that you have been doing all along is recommended.
A leading senior gynecologist says, Aerated drinks need to be avoided as the phosphorus in them will take out calcium from your body. This is of prime importance for an expecting mother. An increase of 12-14 kgs of weight during pregnancy is considered to be healthy. More than this may lead to hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy. Alcohol is completely off the list as there is no limit to it.