Kumari Palany & Co

These health benefits of eating turnips are fantastic

Posted on: 22/May/2019 9:45:15 AM

Many of us would have come across round shaped root vegetable belonging to the family ‘Brassicaceae’ and these are called as turnips. It is superb to mention here that turnips would be available on all the 12 months and are cruciferous vegetable. Both in raw form as well as in the cooked form, turnips could be consumed by us. The point is roots of the turnips are eaten by us most times. It is said that leaves of turnips are edible and nutritious.

Various ingredients that are present in turnips are carbohydrates, protein, water, lutein, folate, vitamins like C, E and K. Many minerals like potassium, iron, manganese, iron, calcium and copper are also present in turnips.

Intake of turnips could provide us many heath advantages.

Good for health of bones:

Bones are very important and the health of bones must be good. The presence of minerals like calcium in turnips provides us superb health benefits like lowering the risk of osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Bones get more strength by the presence of copper which strengthens the connective tissue.

Good for digestion:

The fibre present in turnips could help in better digestion. Issues like indigestion, diarrhoea constipation and bloating etc are avoided in us.

BP gets regulated:

Our BP or blood pressure could be controlled by the potassium and dietary nitrates in turnip. Excess amounts of sodium could be eliminated by potassium in turnips. Arteries get dilated and risk of getting strokes/ heart attacks are reduced.

Good for eye sight:

The lutein present in turnips plays an important role in promoting our eye health. Eye problems such as cataracts, macular degeneration etc are avoided easily.

Treats asthma issue:

Many suffer from asthma issue and find their daily lives difficult. The important point is the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in turnips could cure asthma.