Kumari Palany & Co

What are hemp seeds? What are its benefits?

Posted on: 28/May/2019 3:52:39 PM
Hemp seeds called as Sanal Vidhaigal in Tamil are seeds obtained from hemp plant. It is actually a nut rather than seed. They are very tiny sized and edible crunchy nuts. When one consumes the nut in large quantities, it may lead to a condition called euphoria because of the presence of psychotropic chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol.

Having got a very balanced nutritional value, it is highly helpful in curing asthma, cancer and many other health issues. These seeds contain high levels of natural fibres that are even more durable than fibres obtained through other sources. The hemp seeds are also rich in vitamins and minerals like zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, amino acids, etc.

In general, hemp seeds are used as dietary supplement in many different cultures. It is used in conventional medical practices as it has a number of health benefits. Generally, the reason for avoiding these seeds is its source which is cannabis plant. However, considering the various health benefits of these seeds, the source is negligible.

Nutritional value of hemp seeds :
For each 100gm of hemp seeds,  there is  553 calories present. It contains 4.96g water, 8.67g carbs, 1.5g sugar, 31.56g protein, 7.95mg of iron, 700mg of magnesium, 4g fibre, 1200mg potassium, 1650gm phosphorous, and 5mg sodium.

Now that you understand the health benefits of hemp seeds, we shall now take a deeper look at the ways in which it benefits your health:

Better heart health :
Hemp seeds help in keeping your cardiovascular system healthy by balancing proper levels of cholesterol. This in turn  aids proper body functioning and pre vents a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis or stroke or heart attack.

Improves digestion :
As they contain large amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre content, hemp seeds aid your body’s digestion. Soluble fibre content helps in curbing bad cholesterol. And insoluble fibre aids by preventing/reducing diarrhea/constipation which on the whole promotes better health and better digestion.

Helps sleep better :
For people suffering with insomnia, the minerals present in hemp seeds such as magnesium will relieve and relax your body and result in good sleeping patterns. Furthermore, its magnesium content releases serotonin that in turn gets converted to sleep hormone called melatonin. This lets you get good night’s sleep.

Protects you from osteoporosis :
The rich calcium content present in hemp seeds gives your bone good strength. Thus it keeps you protected from the incidence of osteoporosis. Further, it also retrieves good health of bone matter. Including a lot of hemp seeds in your diet will also bring down likely incidence of osteoporosis.

Prevents anemia :
Being a good source of iron, hemp seeds keeps you protected from anemia. Iron is an imperative mineral that functions to produce RBC in human body. In people suffering with iron deficiency, hemp seeds can help in preventing anemia.

Helps losing weight :
Due to low quantities of sodium and calorie count, hemp seeds are helpful in those who want to shed kilos. One need not have any restriction in consuming hemp seeds fearing it may add up to their body weight. Hemp seeds are also very high in protein and fibre content which altogether helps your body feel fuller for longer. It keeps hunger pangs under control and you can also avoid overeating.

Keeps cancer at bay :
The phenolic compounds present in hemp seeds serve as rich antioxidants. This prevents individuals from different types of cancer. Furthermore, hemp seeds work by taking off the free radicals that give rise to cancer cells by destroying healthy cells.

Builds muscle mass :
Serving as a very rich source of 21 essential amino acids which our body cannot create on its own, the hemp seeds help in improving your body muscle mass. These seeds contain very high protein content that basically forms the body muscle mass.

Balances body hormones :
Hemp seeds regulate your body’s hormones including those secreted from the thyroid glands and pancreas. For people suffering with frequent mood swings or anxiety or depression, these hemp seeds are helpful in regulating the hormones and thus bring relaxation.

Boosts immunity :
There are a number of vitamins and minerals present in hemp seeds which altogether improves your immunity. It keeps your heart healthy and enhances immune system.

Different ways to consume hemp seeds :
Hemp seeds should be stored in cool, dry place. You can include these seeds in your diet in many different forms such as smoothies, salads, oil, hemp milk or hemp butter.

Caution :
Remember not to over consume hemp seeds as it may give rise to minor hallucinations or high feelings. Those who are taking anticoagulants should strictly avoid these seeds.