Just like our eyes, ears are very important to us but many of us do not take enough care about the ears. In this age of digital devices and audio gadgets, it is natural that our health gets affected easily.
It is important to mention here that 1.1billion teenagers and young adults across the globe are at a high risk of noise induced hearing loss. This is due to the excessive usage of audio gadgets.
There are few warning signs of hearing loss like frequently asking questions, difficulty in hearing over the phone, increased television volumes than normal levels etc. Truth is that the severity of damage or hearing loss gets escalated when a person ignores these signs.
For the sake of healthy hearing, we must get rid of these unhealthy habits compulsorily.
Avoid loud sounds through earphones:
This has become very common these days and we could see many listening to loud music for a long time using earphones. We could also get certain ear infections if we share our earphones with others or by not cleaning them. It is revealed that by constantly hearing loud music on earphones the sense of focus could get decreased. It is good to use a noise cancellation earphone which would help us to reduce the volume without compromising the hearing quality.
Avoid sticking fingers or things inside ears:
Our eardrum could get ruptured if we stick our fingers or certain things inside the ears and there could be cutting of the ear canal and forcing wax back into the inner ear. We could get ear infections due to the finger nails having bacteria. Pen caps or paper clips are used by many to scratch the rears and this must be stopped immediately.
Avoid using cotton swabs for cleaning ears:
Large blobs of wax get pushed inside when we use cotton swabs etc. This could lead to blocking in the ears. These cotton swabs could damage the eardrum leading to hearing loss. Truth is that earwax by nature itself is self cleaning and does not require additional attention.
By not consulting a doctor for ear pain:
It is important that we must seek medical advice immediately when we get hearing loss, constant noise in the ears etc. Various subtle signs of hearing loss like buzzing in the ears, loss of clarity of hearing and sensation of ear block etc must be treated immediately and not to be delayed.