Kumari Palany & Co

By these superb ways, we can reduce the mobile phone screen time effectively and improve our eye health!!

Posted on: 17/Oct/2022 5:30:37 PM
Ever since the electronic gadgets like smart phones, computers, laptops etc have become part and parcel of our lives, the time spent before the screens have increased abnormally!!

These days, many of us spend atleast 8 hours or even more before the laptop or desktop screens as our professions demand that. It is noteworthy that excessive screen time in the long run is not good for one`s health. Not only the eyes would get strained when we stare at the screens for a long time but we could get several issues like headaches, back pain, neck pain etc also. We must avoid overdoing that to be free from the issues mentioned above.

There are several ways by which a person would be able to reduce the excess screen time. They are

By tracking the phone usage:
By using certain tools that are available, we can track the amount of time we stare at the mobile screens. It is true that we can instruct our mobile phones to switch off a certain application after 2 hours of use if you think that you have been using it excessively.

By keeping the mobile phone out of bedrooms:
Before going to bed, many of us use mobile phones as the last activity. Truth is that the blue light emitted from mobile phones etc would affect our eyes. In this scenario, it is essential that we must keep our mobile phones outside the bedrooms. By this, the sleep quality would also be improved.

By increasing the away time from the mobile phones:
This is also one important way to reduce screen time. For work related activities, many of us need to be available on our mobile phones is a well known fact. It is important to keep the mobile phones switched off in between. Then, slowly we must try to increase the time away from mobile phones. This would help in reducing the dependency we have on mobile phones.

By not using the mobile phones while eating:
The eyes would get a break from screen time if we do not use mobile phones while eating. In addition, we would be able to enjoy the food more.

By setting alarms & timers etc:
Many people these days spend a lot of time on several social media platforms etc. It is necessary to set alarms and timers and by these we would be able to restrict ourselves well.  

By focussing on other activities:
Point is that many of us, to get rid of boredom, check Facebook or Instagram accounts for a long time. It is superb to focus on other activities like reading books, painting, gardening etc and this would reduce the screen time effectively. By talking to friends also , we could reduce the e dependency on mobile phones.