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Symptoms of liver being affected!

Posted on: 12/May/2014 4:17:52 PM

There are some clear symptoms to indicate the same when the liver has some problems.These symptoms point out that the liver is not functioning properly. 

It is highly advisable NOT to IGNORE these symptoms. If you observe any of the symptoms given below, please consult a physician immediately! 

Appearance of yellow colour in the skin/body - If there is a shade of yellow in the eyes, skin, or nails, it is an indication of problem in the liver! If the colour of the urine remains yellow for long periods, this is also an indication of liver problem. This yellow colour is attributed to excessive production of bile. 

Whenever there is excessive fatigue, mal-performance of liver cells, or problems in the liver glands. 

If you observe that your body, eyes, or urine turns yellow, please contact your physician immediately. 

Nausea - Continuous nausea or vomiting sensation is another indication of liver problems. Whenever the liver gets affected or there is an excessive generation of piles, it leads to nausea. There will be frequent vomiting. There are some occasions where blood is also released during these vomiting.  If these symptoms are quite frequent, it is bet to consult your doctor immediately. 

Swollen Stomach - This is unfailing symptom of liver disorder! Because of the improper or failure of liver functioning, stomach tends to contract causing sneezing. This is a symptom when the liver is affected seriously. So, please do not take this lightly! Have medical attention! 

Sleep - The failure or malfunctioning of liver induces sleep. The people affected by this will always appear drowsy. They may not even do their regular functions properly! If this joins the other symptoms mentioned above, it is indeed a serious indication on the total failure of liver. Please note that persons with serious liver disorders will always be sleepy! 

Mental disturbance - Mental disturbance is very likely to be caused because of disorders in the liver. Failure or improper functioning of liver affects the brain functions. The persons will appear confused at all times. This is one of the most important symptoms of liver problems. Immediate medical attention is compulsory! Otherwise, this may lead to very serious complications. 

Coma - Coma is another symptom of extreme liver disorder. Please note that if all the above-mentioned symptoms have not been take care of with proper medical attention, the person is very likely to fall in coma! 

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