Kumari Palany & Co

Eight Nourishing Foods, Serves Long-Lasting Healthy Life!

Posted on: 02/Jul/2014 12:07:17 PM

Each and every human being desires to explore this world with a healthy and long-lasting life span. Trust in God and following paganism can lead you nearer to God, but it will not assist you to boost up your life’s prolonged existence. There exists few fabulous foods stuff which can support you, live sustained with healthy life, as exercising only will not hold you wholesome.

Subsequently, here are few super-foods that are essential to add in your daily diet, to perceive their productive results.

Spinach: Spinach is highly rich in antioxidants. It is stuffed with abundance of iron in addition to Vitamins (including A, C and K). Also, Spinach is noble for your eyes, as it is rich source of lutein. It is full of fibre, and it aids in normalizing blood pressure and upsurge immunity. Hence, include spinach in your daily diet.  Cook temptingly appetizing Palak Panner!

Kale: Kale is a high fibre rich content, and is a rich supplier of nutrients including Vitamin B6, carotene, iron and calcium. It is pretty alike to cabbage in its tang and flavor. In spite of healthy benefits, it is tough to get in India, but you can glimpse it easily via online shopping or in a big super-market store. Kale chips are yummy substitute to potato chips and they also make easier in keeping your corpse open from fat deposits.

Green tea: Each and every Indian citizen imparts an inherent link with tea. Green tea is highly rich in antioxidants, Vitamins C and E. It is stuffed with flavonoids and familiar for its several health upgrading traits and anti-ageing chattels. It is renowned to stay away from cancer and heart related diseases. A superior quality of green tea is the one imported from Japan, termed as ‘Matcha’ green tea. Ideally, Green tea will preserve your life fit and holds your body lively. 

Fish: Fish is one among the notorious source of proteins. It supplies the body with Omega-3 fatty acids, which is vital for strong and fit heart. Variety of fishes such as salmon, herring, kippers, mackerel, sardines and tuna are very beneficial for your body.y. Fishes in general, lessens the danger of arthritis and memory loss.

Berries: Berries, with its high antioxidant property, add color and tangs to your salad and to your health. Blueberries are highly beneficial in putting fat away from your body and also keep you safe from cardiovascular issues. Cranberries help in controlling your blood pressure levels. With its anti-inflammatory properties, Strawberries helps in keeping diabetes and cancer at wail. 

Coconut: Coconut has unlimited health benefits. Just, consuming a glass of coconut water after your exercise session will aid in refilling your body’s vanished electrolytes. Because of its stable heat, coconut oil can be used significantly in cooking healthy foods. Also, it assists in sustaining healthy heart. The triglycerides in coconut oil is essential for brain functioning. The Lauric acid in coconut oil builds superior immunity system in the body. 

Yoghurt: Yoghurt is a rich source of proteins and calcium. It helps in bone strengthening and place health issues like osteoporosis at wail. It also maintains your heart healthy and muscular. Yoghurt also helps in controlling your blood pressure and keeps you to stay away from cold.

Dark Chocolates: Dark chocolates are good for your heart, brain and glucose levels because of its antioxidant property. The flavonoids compound in it, have anti-ageing upshots. They assist in lowering the danger of blood clots and cholesterol. 

To take pleasure in your time on this stunning world, you need to poise your lifestyle with a nourishing diet and a steady wellbeing session. Thus, incorporate these super foods in your daily diet to live long –lasting, healthier life!