Kumari Palany & Co

Natural Remedy for Ulcer Disease

Posted on: 14/Jul/2014 4:45:30 PM

Ulcer disease is triggers by excess acid in the stomach, which grounds irritation or sores over the mucous membranes of the stomach. Acid, which is getting secreted in the stomach, is vital; so as to grind and digest the food items we eat. However, excess production of acid in the stomach causes ulcer disease. Several factors that lies behind ulcer disease includes our unhealthy lifestyles and irregular servings of food, and intake of odd foods which was very spicy and oily, smoking,  coffee or alcohol, and even stress.

Ulcer disease can be acknowledged by the characteristics like stomach swelling, nausea to vomiting, midriff pain, recurrent belching, and sudden feel of fullness and hungry.

Symptoms of Ulcer:

  • Severe Pain and soreness in the stomach and gut.
  • Abdominal swelling on missing fixed time to eat and suffer abdominal pain after eating.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting occasionally.
  • Often belching, mainly in the hunger circumstances.
  • Dropping off appetite, pale face, cold sweat and wooziness.

Cause of Ulcer:

  • Detrimental Lifestyle.
  • Lopsided eating patterns.
  • More intakes of fat foods, which grounds high stimulation of stomach acid.
  • Excessive stress and emotion distress.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Smoking.
  • Consuming surplus Coffee or alcoholic beverages.
  • Constant use of specific drug for a longer duration, like aspirin.

There are few natural ingredients that canan be help to treat ulcers. Also, assisting natural herbs which are free from chemicals can lessen the appearance of new diseases sourced by the abuse of chemicals.

Here is few Natural Health Medications on Ulcer Disease:

1. Turmeric: Turmeric is the most familiar natural medicine for nursing the ulcer disease. Active ingredients of turmeric like curcumin and curcuminoids and also chief oils revealed to contain antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. Hence it is best treated as a cure for ulcers.

Dosage: Grate 2 segment of turmeric add lukewarm water and squash to take out the juice. Ingest two times a day, both in the morning and at night before bed. 

2. Aloe vera: Content’ including aloin, aloin-emodin, resins, tannins, and polysaccharides in aloe vera are good to heal stomach ulcers. Other active contents in aloe vera are Aloctin A and B. Aloctin A holds back the production of gastric acid and pepsin. Similarly Aloin and Anthraquinone in aloe vera augments the prostaglandins secretion. Moreover, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory effects. Aloe vera gel holds bradykinase, which is a rich source of inflammation enzyme breaker.

Dosage: Take aloe vera mucus. Boil it and add honey to lessen the bitter taste.

3. Plantain: The high content of pectin in plantain serves protection on the anti-effects of the gastric mucous membrane of stomach acid.

Dosage: Take dry banana’s and peel it. Cut into small pieces and allow it to dry. Then make it as a dry powder. Intake two spoons of banana powder along with honey. Consume it two times a day, both in the morning and evening.

4. Green beans: Green beans are familiar for heartburns. The contents of the green bean can craft a dense layer of the stomach and lessen acid levels in the stomach.

Dosage: Take clean green beans and dried by sun-dried. And mash it until to get the smooth powder.  Eat a spoon of green bean powder along with the warm water. Drink it three times a day.

5. Goat Milk: Goat`s milk is highly alkaline. Hence it can neutralize excess stomach acid.

Dosage: Drink 200 ml of goat milk on a regular basis.

In case of Pregnant women, it is highly advised to consult with their family doctor first, before the consumption of these herbal medications as it may result in less good for the fetus. Thus the ulcer disease can be barred with standard lifestyle; healthy foods habits and avoid stress.