Kumari Palany & Co

Herbs and Diet to Treat Sore Throat!

Posted on: 16/Jul/2014 5:15:00 PM
Almost everyone in their lifetime come across the condition of sore throat. Sore throat and other related health issues strike mainly due to streptococcal infection. These infections are self restrictive one and more aching than viral infection.

You might be able to control and cure sore throat, by following the below measures:


Diet acts a vital role in restraining sore throat. Really it will be tough to turn down our desired food habit without we cannot survive. Yet, if you want an instant relief from sore throat, get rid of all sugary items from your food diet not less than 56 hours. The sugary food items may include fruit juices, sugar, dried fruits, and syrups and so on. Do you aware that sugar has been showed as an overload on our body’s immune system?

It is better to elevate the fluid intake degree. Take one glass of water hourly. It is advisable to intake herbal teas, water or vegetable soups to restrain sore throat. While considering herbal tea take 1 spoon of Bonest herbal tea to either one glass of water or fresh ginger root extract.

Once you start feeling a little improvement in your condition, better to start intake many fruits and vegetables.

Supplements on Treating Sore Throat:

Apart from diet, you can intake supplements such as Vitamin C tablets 2 hours once to facilitate bowel easiness. You can also consume Vitamin A dose once daily for a week time. Additionally, you can intake about 3 garlic perles thrice daily or it is recommended to consume Quercetin 400mg thrice daily.

Usually you can take bed rest and sleep well, to avoid receiving chilled. So as to get rapid treat of sore threat, take a cup of hot water and add a squash of lemon juice or grated ginger root, a stick of cinnamon and a little pinch of cayenne pepper. This drink serves you the various grains of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, garlic capsules and zinc in minimum quantity.

Herbs on Restraining Sore Throat:

According to the doctor’s suggestions, it is advisable to take either Echinacea 1gm or Golden Seal 1gm thrice daily. These two herbs are precise against streptococcal or staphylococcal infections. Echinacea prevents the reproduction of the bacteria and scattering of infection and the Golden seal raze the infection. Both of these herbs improve immune function.

Homoeopathy Medications:

Many homoeopathy medications are available to treat sore throat that includes Aconite, Apis, Belladonna, Baryta Carb, Causticum, Merercurius, Phytolacca and Gelsemium.