The killer virus Ebola does not spread through air.It has been found that Ebola spreads through water & blood.
The first symptoms are diarrhoea (loose motion) and vomiting. A lot of blood comes out. Blood starts oozing from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and the private parts.
This leads to fever, body ache, head ache, stomach ache, joint pain, and throat pain.The body sags completely.
With these symptoms, most people assume it is the normal regular fever and do not take care. Only after a lot of blood is lost, the gravity & the severity of the disease is understood.
With this fever, blood pressure gets low. Pulse rate multiplies many times.
This is the confirmation that Ebola virus has spread across the entire body.
Once affected with Ebola, the patient will find it very difficult even to get up & sit. Continuing to lie, death seems to be certain with this virus.
This is the reason why the authorities are frantic to take all possible preventive action to avoid Ebola entering our country!
It is worth noting that no medicine has been found so far to cure Ebola!
Treatment is given only to arrest the diarrhoea and vomiting. Only if this treatment is successful, the patient can escape from the deadly clutches of Ebola!
Hence, the central government is all extra alert about Ebola!
In India, the first case of Ebola was found in Ahmadabad, Gujarat, where a woman lost her life through ‘African disease’. Immediate actions were taken to prevent this from spreading.
However, the horrifying news around is that entry of Ebola can result in a monstrous disaster!