Are you desire for lengthy, healthy and strong nails? Consistent care of nails is very essential to maintain your nails in good shape. Repeated use of nail paints can really harm your nails. It is crucial to cut the nails on a regular basis and keep them clean and sterile. Nails can possibly furnish a glance of your entire health.
Here are some fingernails issues that you should be cautious for and not pass over so as to maintain your nails healthy:
Red or Itchy skin: If you spot red or itchy skin near the nails, it is an indication of nail infection. You can seek for either oral medication as per the doctor’s prescription or employ anti-fungal cream or powder.
Pale yellow nails: Having pale yellow nails (Yellow nail syndrome) indicates the sign for respiratory disease, like chronic bronchitis and so on. It also emphasizes the fact that you could possibly be suffering from anaemia, an unusual blood illness.
Dark nails: Never ignore your nails, if its colour turned out to be dark. This is because, it may be a symptom of hazardous melanoma.
Pitting and Grooving of nails: Even the small cracks and depressions appears on your nails are frequently related with psoriasis, which is a fiery disease that brings in red blotches all over the skin.
White lines: Presence of white stripes on your nails are generally termed as ‘Muehrcke’s lines’. These might be a symptom of kidney disease and also due to the calcium deficiency.