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Tips to Remove Dark Skin on Your Neck!

Posted on: 20/Nov/2014 12:22:09 PM

Many people suffer having dark skin spots round their neck. This is actually a common skin pigmentation disorder termed ‘acanthosis nigricans’. It is neither an infection or contagious.

Aging and sun exposure are the main reasons behind dark discoloration on the neck. Other factors are diabetes, genetics, polycystic ovary syndrome, poor hygiene, and sudden weight loss or weight gain.

Here are few natural remedies to get rid of the dark discoloration of skin around the neck region:

Almonds: Almonds contains vitamins that are vital for skin health. Almonds also have characteristics that can nurture the skin and eliminate discoloration. You can use almonds in diverse ways to cure dark skin on your neck. For a simple cure:  Soak four to five almonds in water overnight. In the morning, grind the soaked almonds into a paste. Apply the paste gently on the neck area and scrub softly for a few minutes. Leave it aside for half an hour. Rinse it off with cold water.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a sort of natural skin lightener and also nourishes the skin. It can lighten skin colour to a high extent and lessen several skin spots. Aloe Vera is also loaded in antioxidants and various other constituents that aid repair and generate new skin cells. For a simple cure:  Extract pure Aloe Vera gel from the leaf. Gently apply it directly on the neck and massage it. Leave it for about 20 minutes. Rinse it off with water. Practice this once very day.

Walnuts: Walnuts are loaded with vitamins and zinc that nurture the skin. They also keep your skin hydrated, which is highly vital for healthy skin. To cure dark skin on the neck, a scrub made of walnuts and yogurt is very successful. For a simple cure:  Mix crumpled walnuts in yogurt and prepare a thick paste. Gently apply the paste on the dark portion of your neck. Then scrub for a few minutes and then allow it to dry. Wash it off using cold or rose water. Performing this on regular basis will revitalize your neck skin and lessen any dark appearance.

Cucumber: Cucumber has soothing properties that aid repair skin cells, eliminate dead skin cells and add shine to the skin. For a simple cure:  Apply shredded cucumber or cucumber juice all around your neck region and gently scrub for about 10 minutes. Rinse it off with rose or cold water. Do this daily to eliminate dark spots on your neck rapidly.

Lemon Juice: Lemon contains citric acid, which is an innate bleaching agent. Also, the vitamin C content in lemon aids remove dead cells and lighten skin tone. For a simple cure: Mix equal parts of lemon juice and rose water. Apply this mixture around the neck area before going to bed. Continuously do this daily for a month, and you can observe awesome results.

Oats: Oats toils well as a great skin scrubber and aid exfoliate the skin. This is very efficient in lessening the dark complexion that seems around the neck area. For a simple cure:  Tale powdered oats and mix it with milk and honey. Apply the mixture on the dark area of the neck. Leave it aside for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Perform this twice a week for better results.

Baking Soda: Baking soda behaves as a natural skin exfoliant and may rinse the skin and gradually eliminate dark, discoloured patches. The mixture of baking soda and water has shown effective results in removing dark patches around the neck. For a simple cure:  Mix 3 parts of baking soda and 1 part of water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste on your neck and let it dry. Wash it after 15 minutes. Do this twice a week to improve the complexion of your neck.  

Orange Peel: The vitamin C content in oranges is helpful in lightening the skin tone. For a simple cure: Grate the orange peel and add orange juice to it. Apply this mixture on your neck and leave it aside for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water. Do this daily.

Chickpea flour: Chickpea flour should always be used along with turmeric powder, which has antiseptic traits and is used for treating several skin problems. For a simple cure: Take 2 teaspoons of chickpea flour and add a pinch of turmeric to it. Add some water and prepare a thick paste out of it. Apply the paste on your dark spots and allow it to dry for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.

Potatoes: The catecholase enzyme in potatoes has bleaching properties that lighten dark skin on the neck. For a simple cure: Apply grated potatoes all around your neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash your neck with cold water.

Try to follow any of these remedies that suits you. Bear in mind that it needs some time as well as patience to eliminate dark patches on your neck.

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