Kumari Palany & Co

Interesting Health benefits of Yam!

Posted on: 17/Jan/2015 11:58:57 AM

Coining from West Africa, this vegetable has frequently been linked with plenty of rituals and beliefs, particularly in the African region. It is habitually used while cooking meals and is one of the maximum consumed foods in countries such as India, Pacific Islands and West Indies. Yams emanate in 200 distinct types. They have diverse colours and species. Even if they have trivial similarity to sweet potatoes, they are zilch like them. Yams are remarkable for health and can be attached to a nutritional diet.

Here are some of the benefits it has to offer:

Averts Cardiovascular Disease: Yams are very minimal in fat. Just more than 0.25 grams a cup, this vegetable is nourishing and leans to demote your fat intake overall. Other than that, yams guard the cell membranes of your body. They grant your body to enthral all fat soluble vitamins which eventually avert any cardiovascular disease. In that way, yam is not just perfect for weight loss but also a salubrious lifestyle.

Defends from Heart Disease: Yams occurs to be a rich source of Vitamin B6. This aids in limiting the high blood pressure levels and also reducing the signs of a hyperactive nature. Yams safeguard your body from heart attacks or heart linked diseases and can be of eminent use to those grieving with cholesterol.

Prevents cancer: Yam has also been proven to avert colon cancer. It holds Vitamin A, which aids in limiting lung and oral activity cancer. Yams comprise dietary fibre which averts toxic compounds from inflowing your food, thereby lessening the risks of budding colon cancer altogether.

Fights Ageing: Customary usage and ingestion of yam will combat skin issues, such as ageing. It holds Vitamin C, B6 and beta carotene. Yams also encompass anti-oxidants which limits symptoms of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots.

Thwarts Hair Fall & Premature Greying: Yams boost the blood circulation in your scalp, avert hair fall and premature greying. Yams sustains your hair soft, smooth and silky and make sure your hair is always hydrated. Yams hold beta carotene and anthocyanins, which eliminate the flakes of dandruff and guarantee for regular hair growth. Yams also own Vitamin A, which enhances more life, sheen and glow to your tresses.

<>Controls Menopause: Additional benefit of yams is that it can limit menopause and its several related symptoms. They hold unique substances and chemicals, such as steroidal ponins and disogenins that lean to upset the hormonal patterns among animals and human beings. Wild yams can aid in lessening the signs of menopause.

Perks up Digestion: Consuming yam often in your diet can thwart constipation. It owns fibre and potassium that make the means of digestion healthy and smooth. It kindles muscle contraction in the body and makes sure the suitable bowel movement.

Store-House of Antioxidants: Yam has frequently been called the storehouse of antioxidants as they are so stuffed with it. It comprises Vitamin C, which is healthful for eliminating cancer free radicals. Free radicals are injurious and can harm your DNA, which is why antioxidants are required to lessen its chances. It is also perfect for all those enduring with crucial health conditions including asthma and arthritis.