Castor oil has been traditionally used to cleanse the stomach and to remove the worms & insects inside.
Ayurvedic medicinal system honours castor oil with the title ‘king of laxatives’ and ‘powerful to rid of gastric troubles’.
The root part of the castor oil fruit is an essential ingredient in the lotions given for gastric troubles and is often added in the drinking water storages. A glass of drinking water taken from the storage where it is kept with castor fruit roots and mixed with a pinch of ash (holy ash) and taken twice in a day in mornings and evenings can cure duodenal ulcer.
This water (added with castor fruit root) can also relieve pain in the joints, pain in the lower back, stomach disorders/swellings, etc. Even the castor oil plant leaves are used as medical help both internally & externally.
It is also used for removing worms in the stomach, relieve the pain or blockade in the urinary track, pain felt in the joints, and to cure and heal polyps/boils in the body with puss which had remained for a long while.
Castor plant leaves ground can be used for application on the painful parts as a kind of ointment. It is also used to cleanse the drinking water.
Seeds of castor can cure constipation, pains in the joints, liver & pancreas disorders, pain in the lower back, and piles.
Castor oil is used as a laxative.