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Black cumin seeds control cold!

Posted on: 11/Apr/2015 5:48:21 PM
Dry roast black cumin seeds, powder, and then soak it in oil. Administer 3 drops of this oil in the nose. Even severe cold will get cured.
Black cumin seeds are a good and effective remedy for extreme cold, fever with shivering, snoring, and blocked noses.
Powder some black cumin seeds, mix it with honey, and add this to a glass of water and take. This will help remove small stones formed in the urinary track and remove any blocks in the urinary track. This will stabilize and control the menstrual discharge.
Keep powdered black cumin seed in a small cloth bag and chew this for good relief from cold.
Add 5 grams of black cumin seeds to a glass of water and drink. This will ease all breathing disorders. Grind black cumin seed with some water and apply this paste on the forehead to get relief from headaches.
Mix some black cumin seeds with some vinegar and gargle. This will cure tooth-aches.
Indigestion problems caused by excessive bile formation or phlegm can be cured by taking black cumin seeds.
Oil extracted from black cumin seeds is an excellent cure for paralytic patients. Complaints like dog-bite, blockage of blood during delivery after pregnancy, pain in the womb, sores in the skin like acne, and eye-pain can be treated and cured by using black cumin seeds.
Black cumin seeds cure skin diseases. It generates appetite. It helps the digestion system. It controls diarrhoea. It kills worms in the stomach/intestine. It prevents vomiting. It acts as a catalyst simplifying and speeding up the urinary system. It helps increase the generation of breast milk after delivery.

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