Apart from its basic sweet taste, sunflower seed contains various essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. Apart from humans, even birds relish taking these healthy seeds.
Sunflower seeds are extensively used in producing healthy oil.
Sunflower seed oil is issued for cooking throughout the world.
They can give excess energy to the body.
As it tastes good, we can also chew the seeds directly as we do with others such as peanuts.
100 gm of sunflower seeds contain 588 calories.
The rich fatty acids contained in sunflower seeds give us the energy. Sunflower seeds contain unsaturated fatty acid known as linolic acid which helps in reducing harmful HDS fats in the body. At the same time, they also help in production of beneficial HDS fats.
Sunflower seeds also contain protein.
Sunflower seeds contain amino-acid known as tryptophan. This is essential for children’s growth.
100 gm of sunflower seeds give 21 gm of protein. This constitutes 37& of our body’s daily protein requirement.