Kumari Palany & Co

Prevent your eyes from dryness this summer

Posted on: 09/Jun/2015 12:29:46 PM
Sine it’s summer now, the UV rays is verily surged. Dehydration is one of the prominent problems we face due to this excessive heat. It’s equally important for us to show some care to our eyes as well. Your sleep pattern this summer can easily result in severe headache or sensation of itching around eyes. When you experience them, you need to realize that you are been affected by excessive exposure to sun or dust.

You may be left with dry eyes which is due to over evaporation of tears in your eyes. Owing to high temperature, your tear film in eyes will be affected. This can in fact cause pain too when then results in redness of eyes. This may even result in conductivities. Doctors say if you rub your eyes often, it can also result in severe conditions. You need to wash your eyes with cold water often and start using lubricating drops which can help you prevent dryness.