Kumari Palany & Co

Walnuts help fight breast cancer

Posted on: 09/Jul/2015 11:10:54 AM
New research has shown that walnuts help fight cancer risk, especially breast cancer. Researchers from Marshall University School of Medicine have studied the link between diet and breast cancer. During a study on lab mice, it was found that adding walnuts to a daily delays tumour growth. This will help for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and, in some cases, prevents the cancer entirely. 

So, why are walnuts so good?

Walnuts contain gallic acid. It is found in the thin layer of skin outside the walnut kernel. This acid has anti fungal properties and is toxic to cancer cells. These super nuts also have healthy Omega 3 fatty acid called alphalenolenic acid (ALA). This acid comes only from the foods that we eat - our body does not produce it, and help in controlling inflammation. 

Walnuts contain melatonin which is a hormone that regulates our body clock. Melatonin is needed for a good night’s sleep, which, in turn, is the basis for good health. The nuts are also high in antioxidants that delay the ageing process of the body. Lastly, walnuts contain phytosterols which is a plant compound that slows down or prevents growth of cancer cells.